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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

 Valentine Heart Trees
Posted by Heidi

I got this fabulous art idea for a Valentine's Day project from my friends on Pinterest!  I needed new ideas.  By 2nd and 3rd grade, the kids have done the traditional Valentine crafts with heart animals and woven heart baskets in previous years, and I like to spice things up a bit.

They made these great heart trees by tracing their hands and adding hearts on top for the tree leaves.  The kids who traced most of their arm had more success with the overall design looking more like a tree (some just look like hands throwing hearts all over the place).  Next time, I may use light blue backgrounds, as the patterned paper I had for the hearts had lots of white in it.
 Overall, however, it was a fun project to do, and the kids will take them home on Valentine's Day as gifts for their families.  They looked nice with the black border added after the project was finished.

It was a good reminder to me, also, that even 2nd and 3rds need more time with paper cutting practice!

Happy Valentine's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just found your blog - it's cute! I love seeing other teachers ideas/photos. I teach first grade in CA. Come visit my blog sometime.
    BTW - I'm your newest follower!
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After
